Thoughts on Finding a Church Home

If you are seeking a new church home, look at the young people in the services. If you see teens and children that spend the service being entertained by friends, phones, games and other electronics, you will generally find a church lacking in its hunger for God’s Word. A church ,with children that enjoy singing, and are attentive to the preaching, places a priority on the Word of God and it shows in their spirit.

No church is perfect, but the spiritual hunger that we nourish in our young people makes a difference in generations to come.

Not only does it give them spiritual nourishment, but it gives them a hunger to want to know God’s Word more.

A God Who Can…

Believing in a God that can…

I had a Pastor from a large, well known church in America call to say that he and his church were praying for our precious daughter. (A church known as a praying church) His daughter had traveled the same path and the prayer of God’s people and the grace of God drew her back. I asked him if something happened that began to turn her around. He said, Mark, I tried everything from begging, manipulation, loving and kindness, but it was only the supernatural working of a mighty God, through the prayers of our people, that turned her back to God. Now she is a faithful pastors wife.

How desperately churches need to be reminded that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man, availeth much.” My wife and I can say, with no uncertainty, that we have seen God working through prayer.

I wrote this statement over a year ago and it is even more real today.

“ God’s ability to change someone does not need human influence or effort. God can locate a persons heart and soul, deep behind the security walls of sin and self with which they hide”.

Sometimes we just have to take our hands off the situation, and let God do His work.