The Work of Prayer

I was thinking this morning of so many that are hurting right now and in need of a Comforter. We have a precious daughter that never leaves the concerns of our hearts. She has helped to teach me the meaning of “pray without ceasing”.

What came to my heart this morning is that no greater work in the Kingdom of God unites His children together, like the work of prayer. The work of prayer unites my heart with my friends that are hurting around the world. I can’t be beside each one, but I can bind my heart with theirs in supplication. I can’t heal those that are sick, but I can plead before the great physician to bring healing. I can plead before the throne for a soul that could slip off into eternity without God. I can beg and plead before God to bring the prodigal home. I can humbly lift my enemy before God and pray for restoration.

Nothing keeps me as close to so many as the great work of prayer. The prayer of faith heals the sick. The prayer of revival heals our land. May we bring the kingdom of God together by doing the work of Prayer. Prayer seeks for God to help others, but the work of prayer changes me from within.

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