Marks Quotes and Poems

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Here are some of the poems and quotes that I have written over the past months. I hope they may be of use. If one is a blessing to you, let me know


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Marks Quotes

Consumed with an Almighty God

May today, my eyes see the beauty of His holiness.
May my tongue speak of His matchless beauty and wonder.
May my nose smell the fragrance of His awesome creation.
May my ears hear the peace of His still,small voice.
May my hands work diligently for His kingdom.
May my feet be swift to carry the love of God to those in darkness.
May my mind be humble as the precious Lord Jesus Christ.
May my heart be consumed with His righteous.
And may my whole being glorify the God of my salvation.

Thoughts on the Home | Goodly Heritage

images“Sadly, too many parents measure the spiritual temperature of their children by their ability to abstain from worldliness, instead of how deeply attracted they are to godliness”

“If I fervently nurture holiness in the life of my children, then, I can faithfully trust God to keep them from worldliness.”

“I missed out on the possibilty of tragedy and the potential for sadness, by growing up in a good home, that offered me the possibilty of godliness and the potential for happiness.”

Where there is no Vision

Vision Road Sign with dramatic blue sky and clouds.It has been said that, “people only see what they are prepared to see.”  Many times we fail to adequately portray the vision that God has placed on our hearts. Others cannot catch the vision until the vision has been properly communicated,

A vision takes Pondering, Preparation, Passion, Perseverance, and Power.

Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with vision is making a positive difference.

Vision looks inward and becomes duty. Vision looks outward and becomes aspiration. Vision looks upward and becomes faith.

“Momentum by itself is useless to truly bless the church, but, when it is caught up on the wings of the Spirit of God, it can lift the church to greater heights.”

Trading a season for a lifetime

event-shepherding-child-16x9“A seemingly, simple season of two parents being disobedient to God’s will may result in a lifetime of their children running from the will of God. Our children need to see our obedience to God, more than they need to hear our opinions of life.”