Marks Quotes and Poems

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Here are some of the poems and quotes that I have written over the past months. I hope they may be of use. If one is a blessing to you, let me know


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Marks Quotes

Where there is no Vision

Vision Road Sign with dramatic blue sky and clouds.It has been said that, “people only see what they are prepared to see.”  Many times we fail to adequately portray the vision that God has placed on our hearts. Others cannot catch the vision until the vision has been properly communicated,

A vision takes Pondering, Preparation, Passion, Perseverance, and Power.

Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with vision is making a positive difference.

Vision looks inward and becomes duty. Vision looks outward and becomes aspiration. Vision looks upward and becomes faith.

“Momentum by itself is useless to truly bless the church, but, when it is caught up on the wings of the Spirit of God, it can lift the church to greater heights.”

Momentum in Ministry

images (9)     Someone once said that it is easier to steer a car that is already in motion. If you are not hearing anything from God regarding what direction He wants you to go, start doing something and let Him steer you.  Many churches and ministries seem to have a hard time “going and growing” because there is no momentum to cause the steering to be easier. A lifeless church will always find it hard to grow until people get a vision of a spirit-led direction and they began to move the car in that direction. At that point they find that the steering automatically becomes easier,

    Unity becomes such a key in getting this momentum started. A.W. Tozer said, “One hundred pianos tuned to the same tuning fork will automatically be in tuned with each other. A church must seek the direction of God, and then as a unified body, begin working in that direction. “Momentum by itself is useless to truly bless the church, but when it is caught up on the wings of the Spirit of God, it can lift a church to greater heights.” (S.Mark Lancaster) If we are coasting along in the ministry, we are either loosing momentum or else we are headed downhill.

     The  leader is the one that must first catch this vision and begin this momentum. John Kotter said, “Effective leaders help others to understand the necessity of change and to accept a common vision of the desired outcome.” People see what they are prepared to see. This means that a leader must have the ability to transfer his vision to others.

I would like to give just a few thoughts on “Developing and Guarding Momentum”

1. Make your direction known.

2. Organize your ministries to take you in that direction.

3. Mentor men to bear the burden of the ministry.

4. Expect the moving of God

5. Nurture through caring ministries.

6. Teach your people the joy and blessing of giving.

7. Unleash an environment for commitment and faithfulness.

8. Make prayer a necessity to find God’s will and power.