Finding God’s Presence In Pain

I have been putting thoughts together on a book entitled, “Finding God’s Presence In Pain”. There are so many people that Julie and I know that are going through emotional, spiritual, physical, or family pain. There is no greater resource to bring us to our weakness so that we can draw from His strength, like pain. Pain hurts every fiber of our body, and many times we want to think that we can work through it. It is so easy to give up on ourself, others, and God when pain darkens our eyes. God often uses pain to show us that there is no formula for us to work through it, and maybe for the first time in our life we have to give up, give it to God, and draw from His life-changing grace.
My heart is burdened for so many of you today that are carrying the load of pain. I pray that God can give you His grace today.
“Sometimes God puts us in a place. At times, it seems to be a hurtful place….A humbling place, but, when we recognize that He is there, it becomes such a holy, hiding place.”

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